What To Do When Nose Is Obstructed?

During a period of time, the nose of many people would be obstructed and runs as well as their head is also dizzy in a bad weather. Besides, this obstructed period would last long and this makes many people feel very painful, so do you know what to do at this time?If not and you are interested in this topic, please follow me and let me keep you informed of the following methods as much as i can.

First of all, take a basin of hot water and make faces close to hot water as well as have a breath. Besides, it is enough to breathe water vapor for around 10 minutes, later, you will feel nose is unobstructed and it is very effective to do this at home in the evening.

Secondly, eat more pepper and shallot and so on types of foods. After eating mustard, your nose will run and tears will shed together, then just wipe them. If you are allergic to these foods, please do not attempt them.

Thirdly, certainly wear a mask when going outside. If you want nose is unobstructed, please remember to wear a mask as much as you can, even though it is very troublesome and uncomfortable, otherwise, the condition that nose is obstructed will be aggravated in a certain degree.

In addition to the all above points, there are also other methods worthy of attention, such as wear more clothes and do not have a cold as well as do preventive measures in advance.

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