What Should You Do After Getting Up

Observe bright colors
U.S. researchers found that bright colors can stimulate the adrenal hormone secretion, which can eliminate lazy feeling rapidly after waking up. You can choose pink, orange or purple pillows, sheets or put brightly colored works of art in a visible position. At the same time, you can drink a glass of orange juice or pomegranate juice to stimulate your visual nerves.

Smell the fragrance of flowers
Medical experts from Harvard pointed out after getting up, women can water plants and smell its fragrance, which can improve the mood. For example, lilac have the function of refreshing, lavender can relieve nervous heartbeat, flatulence and abdominal pain. The smell of violets and roses give a hearty and enjoyable feeling.

Not to turn off alarm clock
If the alarm clock rings, your first reaction maybe to turn off alarm clock and then sleep for a few minutes again, waiting for the alarm ring again. According to sleep experts, it is completely unnecessary because you know the alarm clock will ring again, the brain can not enter the deep sleep state. Instead, it makes you become more tired, so get up as as quickly as possible after the alarm clock ring.

Make a plan before getting up
When you wake up, firstly close your eyes and think about how to deal with things today. Behavioral psychologists that this process will stimulate the brain’s various regions, Make a plan before getting up can stimulate your spiritual vitality.

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