Two Taboos When Taking Cosplay Photos Outside

In order to get good result of taking Cosplay photos outside, you’d better avoid these cases introduced in the following article when taking them.

Firstly, people should not be too much close to the colored environment
As you know, under the bright and strong sunlight, object’s reflection of light would be increased and under such circumstance people should be far away with these bright colorful photographic field, for example, large scale sunshade or the building wall which has been just painted with new painting, otherwise the color from these photographic field is likely to map on people’s body and finally lead to color cast.

Secondly, not to take photos when people stand on the cement court if there is strong sunlight
In most cases, the surface of cement court would be more flat and what’s more its color is always shallow, then it is easy to lead to strong reflection. If taking Cosplay photos at this time, there would be unusual light from top to bottom, which is more bloodcurdling when you have looked at it. If you are skillful photographer, you would know it is not right to take photos at this time.

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