Three Useful Tips About Rosewood Furniture Maintenance

Firstly, if the rosewood furniture are the ones with panel, you have to pay more attention on the panel maintenance. For example, you can place one piece of glass plate on the furniture, by this way, the paint film of rosewood furniture can not only be protected, but also the beautiful wooden texture can be fully showed. Between the glass plate and wooden panel, you’d better use small size trochal disc to separate and it is not recommended to use transparent polyethylene crystal plate.

Secondly, in order to keep clean on furniture surface, you have to use drying and clean gauze to remove the dust on its surface in daily life. Meanwhile, please not to use chemical brightener because the paint film is easy to damaged by this way. Here is one simple tip for you, which is beneficial to keep the brightness of rosewood furniture, crush walnut, wrap it up and then wipe the furniture surface.

Thirdly, right now, the hot summer is coming, do you know how to maintain the rosewood furniture in summer? You have to take advantage of air conditioning to dehumidify so as to avoid deformation.

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