The Quality Problems of Children Toys

China produces most of the toys in the world. According to the statistics of China Consumers’ Association, the quality problems of children toys are concentrated on some aspects. The statistics come from a survey conducted on one hundred kinds of toys produced by 49 toys companies. Twenty kinds of projectile toys, thirty kinds of rag dolls and fifty kinds of plastic toys were included in the comparative experiment. In addition, those toys were all bought from malls, supermarkets and other specialized toy stores in Beijing and the quality problems are listed as following.

First, the accessories of some toys are too small and may be eaten by children by mistake. Many toys such as music bell, plastic toys and vehicle toys all have this problem.

Second, some ropes on the toys are too long and may lead to tie or strap the body of children tight. The standard of the length of ropes is about 220mm, but some toys have the ropes with a length of 270mm. We parents should notice the ropes on the toys, which can be dangerous for some small children.

Third, some toys with strange shapes can lead to stuck in the throat. We parents all know that children, especially the babies would put everything that they can get into their mouth. Therefore, we should pay much attention on the toys that with small removable accessories just in case of the danger of suffocation. In addition, some toys may contain some small balls or round things, which may also be dangerous for the children.

Forth, some toys with narrow holes may stuck the fingers and cut off the blood circulation. Some toys such as gun toys have the small openings that would stuck the fingers of children.

Fifth, some gun toys with low quality bullets may hurt the eyes of children. Here I would like to advise that we should not get those gun toys for children, which can accidentally injure the children.

Sixth, there is little alarming information on the some toys. Some toys with potential dangers should mark clearly on the surface of the toys. However, some toys mark the alarming information with small characters.

Besides those quality problems, we may ignore some dangers of toys. Therefore, we can play the toys together with our children.

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