The Origin Of Feather Fan

The fan is made according to Chinese hieroglyphs, and the most earliest fan is made by using the feathers of animals, and the most prestigious families have this kind of fan. Today let me keep you informed of the origin of feather fan as much as i can.

Fan actually derived from the period of Yu shun, and a lot of people use it to block the sunshine, and it is also the symbol of authority. In the ancient times, the emperor used pheasant feather to make the long feather fan as the travel ceremonial to show the high authority of himself. Besides, feather fan accompanied with these emperors of different dynasties. At the period of three kingdoms, Zhuge Liang had great wisdom and resourcefulness and always held a feather fan.

Later on, people praised this kind of phenomenon as the symbol of wisdom and competence. Furthermore, feather fan is the light and artful item as well as can produce slow breeze and is quite suitable for these people such as old and infirm people, pregnant woman, postpartum mother and child.

Moroever, this kind of feather fan has a history of about three thousand years and is made by using the most traditional workmanship as well as Hunan feather fan is one of the most unique national traditional products and has the oldest history in China.

In a word, feather fan is a kind of excellent traditional product and is worthy of being preserved and appreciated as well as you can purchase it for your home as a decoration if you show great interest in.

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