The Making Methods Of Pea Shredded Meat

Do you often eat peas in daily life?What do you think of eating them?Do you want to use them to make a dish for yourself?If yes and you are interested in this aspect, please follow me and let me inform you of the making methods of pea shredded meat as much as i can.

First of all, well prepare fresh meat 200g, peas 500g. Wash peas till clean and cut fresh meat into shredded as well as pour some water starch into a bowl with lean shredded meat.

Secondly, heat a pot and pour appropriate oil into it as well as heat it till hot, next quickly pour lean shredded meat into this pot and stir-fry them till colored as well as pour peas into this pot, then stir-fry them together and add appropriate light soy sauce, salt to this pot as well as pour appropriate clear water into it, braise and boil them together till peas are ripe.

Thirdly, later, get them out of this pot and pour into a plate, so the whole processes are finished making and you can eat this dish as happily as you can.

Are you tempted after viewing all above making methods of pea shredded meat?Might as well make this dish for yourself and your family as fast as you can if you show interest in so that all of you can sit together and taste this dish as well as enjoy a pleasant eating time. Thus, why not have a try?Hope you will like this kind of making methods.

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