The Effects Of Watermelon

Not only the watermelon has many effects, but also the watermelon peel has lots of efficacies. Both of them are very good for our body. Today let me inform you of the effects of watermelon as much as i can.

Clear heat and relieve summer-heat, eliminate troubles and quench thirst. Plenty of water contents are contained in the watermelon, and if you are having a acute fever, thirsty and sweat more as well as agitated, eat a piece of watermelon and these symptoms will be improved at once.

Be good for urination and eliminate renal inflammation. The sugar and salt contained in the watermelon can be helpful for urination and eliminating renal inflammation, and protease contained in the watermelon can change insoluble protein into soluble protein to increase the nutrition of these patients who have nephritis.

Lower blood pressure. Watermelon contains the substance that can lower blood pressure, therefore these people who have high blood pressure can eat watermelon as often as they can.

Be beneficial for the body. After eating watermelon, the urine volume will be obviously increased and the content of the bile pigment can also be decreased as well as the feces will be excreted very smoothly, in the meantime, eating watermelon also has certain effect of treating jaundice.

Beautify the skin. Eating fresh watermelon juice and tender watermelon peel can increase the elasticity of the skin and decrease the wrinkles on the face as well as increase the luster on the face.

In addition to the above points, these people who are puerperas, diabetic patients, have renal function issue or have dental ulcer should pay attention to eating watermelon in order to avoid some unnecessary matters.

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