The Cleaning Methods Of Five Children Toys

Toys and kids have a very close relationship, so children toys’ disinfection is a very important and critical issue.

The following is five methods of cleaning toys.

Firstly, for those relatively heatproof wooden toys, you can use boiling water and alcohol to disinfect them, and then finally clean these wooden toys with water.

Secondly, it is best to use warm water to soak plastic toys, and then to clean them with disinfectant, the key is to use a cloth to wipe the toys.

Thirdly, plush toys is inappropriate washed with water, you can take the approach of sunlight, and utilize ultraviolet light to disinfect bacteria in a nice sunny weather.

Fourthly, for some of the more sophisticated electric toy, if washing is not convenient, you will disinfect the parts that the child frequently touch.

Fifthly, metal toys can be disinfected in the sun, but it should be noted that for too long iron toys, you have to regularly clean up the tie.

These five is disinfected knowledge about children’s toys disinfection, only in the case of toys clean, children safety will be guaranteed. Parents must clean toys regularly to ensure that the child’s health and safety.

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