The Brief Introduction Of Peking Opera

As we all know, Peking Opera was ever called the flat opera, and it is one of the famous and well-known opera species and types among the five largest and famous opera species and types of China. Besides, the tone of Peking Opera is mainly the Xipi and Erhuang, and it is usually accompanied by the urheens and drums, and Peking Opera is also considered and regarded as the quintessence of China. To be honest, Peking Opera is actually the number one among all the Chinese operas which are widely spread in China as well.

As a matter of fact, the Huizhou Opera is the predecessor of Peking Opera. Since the fifty-five years of the Qianlong Age of Qing dynasty, these four famous and well-known Huizhou Opera theatrical troupes whose name was Sanqing, Sixi and Chuntai as well as Hechun which originally performed in the southern area of China gradually entered into Beijing city. Furthermore, these four famous and well-known Huizhou Opera theatrical troupes collaborated with the opera artists with Han tone who came from the Hubei province and also accepted the partial programs, tone and performing methods of Kunqu Opera and Qin cavity as well as the folk tone in the meantime and then formed and created Peking Opera finally by means of the gradually and constantly communicating and merging with other local operas.

Moreover, Peking Opera also started to be developed fast and quickly in the royal palace of Qing dynasty after it fully formed till the Republic of China formed and founded, and then it became completely prosperous. What’s more, Peking Opera is spread all over the world, and it also becomes the significant intermediary to introduce and transmit the traditional Chinese artistic cultures, and the scopes of Peking Opera cover the whole areas of China regarding Beijing city as its center, and Peking Opera was listed in the “Human intangible cultural heritage representative list” on 16th, November, 2010.

In addition, we really hope that all the important information mentioned above can be useful and helpful to all of you.

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