Some Main Delicious Food Worthy Of Your Tasting When Travelling In India

India is namely the Republic of India, and the brief name is India, and India is located in the south Asian Subcontinent whose geographical latitude is from 10°N to 30°N, and it is also the largest country on the south Asian Subcontinent. Besides, the nearest gulf in the east of India is the Bay of Bengal, and the west of India is the Arabian Sea, and the length of sea coast of India is around 5,560 kilometers. To be honest, the climate of India generally belongs to the tropical monsoon climate, and it owns three seasons in one year, such as the cool season, the summer season and the rainy season. Also, India is one of the world’s four largest ancient civilized countries, and there existed the civilization of Indian River at the time period from BC2,500 years to BC1,500 years in India. Thus, let’s learn something important about some main delicious food worthy of your tasting when travelling in India.

The first main delicious food which is worth tasting in India is the Indian flying pie, which comes from the capital of India—the New Delhi and the large mountain of the Bay of Bengal. Furthermore, local natives usually regard the ribs, coconut pad, butter and condensed milk as their daily food. To be honest, the Indian flying pie is a kind of famous and well-known delicious food of India and is made by reconciling flour and unique skill and stunt of making flour fly in the sky for several minutes as well as the flavor and taste of the Indian flying pie are usually very special and delicious, and they are very thin but very soft and crisp and tender, the color of them is golden. And it is faced with people and tourists when being made, and it is usually full of abundant substances which are beneficial to people’s body, such as the vitamin, protein, nutrient fat, calcium, iron and zinc, etc.

The second main delicious food which is worth tasting in India is the Indian milk tea. When you are travelling in India, you will find that there exists a big and large cooker in front of the shop on the streets of India, and inside of the cooker is the hot white milk boiled by the slow fire, and the surface of the milk in the cooker is the milk skin, which is very delicious and with excellent taste. Moreover, there usually exist many people standing a long line to wait, once the milk is boiling, you can drink a cup of delicious milk tea. In general, local people in India usually drink a cup of Indian milk tea with special spices after meals. Also, India milk tea is also called the Mashala tea.

The third main delicious food which is worth tasting in India is the India hand pilaf, which is the favorite food of Indian people, and when you eat them, you can use your right hand to constantly stir the rice and vegetables as well as other ingredients till they become average, and then use the thumb, index finger and middle finger of your right hand to send delicious India hand pilaf into your month. What’s more,, the India hand pilaf is only suitable to be eaten in your own house or in the informal occasions as well.

In addition, we really hope that all the important information mentioned above can be useful and helpful to all of you. Thanks!

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