Some Knowledge Your Must Know Before You Decide To Travel In Chile

The brief name of the Republic of Chile is called Chile, and it is a country which is located in the southwestern area of south America, and Chile also lies in the west foothill of the Andean Mountains. Besides, the eastern area of this country is Argentina, and the northern area of Chile is separately the Peru and Bolivia, the western area of this country is the Pacific Ocean, and the southern area of Chile is the Antarctica continent. And Chile is a country whose topography is the longest and narrowest in the world, and it covers a total territory for 756,626 square kilometers. Also, Chile is the member country of the Association of South American Nations, and Chile as well as Argentina and Brazil is also called “ABC strong country” in the whole South America.

Furthermore, Chile possesses the rich and abundant mine resources, forest resources and fishery resources. Also, it is the country which owns the most abundant copper resources in the world, and it is also the country whose copper producing capacity and exporting quantity are the most in the world, and Chile is also called and regarded as “Kingdom of the copper mineral”. And it is the unique and only country which mainly produces the saltpeter in the world. Also, the Atacama Desert in Chile is the driest area in the world, so it is also called “dry pole”.

Moreover, Chile also possesses the higher and more advanced education level, and its education level has already been widely accepted by most developed countries in the world. And Chile also owns the higher competition and living standards, more stable political environment, globalized free economic environment as well as lower corruption perception and relatively lower poverty rate. And it is also regarded as the high-income economy by the World Bank Group.

In addition, we really hope that these important information mentioned above can help you fully learn more about Chile.

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