Some Knowledge You Must Know Before You Decide To Travel In Portugal

As we all know, Portugal is the abbreviation of the Republic of Portugal, which is a republican country that is located in the southwestern area of European continent, and the eastern area of Portugal is Spain which is located on the Iberian Peninsula, and the western and southern areas of Portugal are the coast of Atlantic. Besides, the territory of Portugal contains the areas on the European continent, and except them, there are also the areas which belong to Portugal such as the Azores Island and Madeira Island which are located in the Atlantic, and the capital of Portugal is Lisbon, and the west of Lisbon is the cape Roca, which is the westernmost area of the whole European continent.

Furthermore, Portugal has played one of the most active roles in the Great Navigation Age and has become the most important and strongest country in the sea since the 16th century as well as Portugal even combined with Spain and then signed and stamped the Treaty of Tordesirias in order to split and divide the world into two parts during the prosperity period of Portugal. And Portugal has the most profound and long-lasting colonial history among all the existing European countries. Also, the colonial history of Portugal has lasted for a very long time for more than 600 years from the beginning to now.

Moreover, the official language of Portugal is the Portuguese, which is the sixth largest language which is widely spread and used in the world. However, with the independence of Brazil—one of the largest colony of Portugal, Portugal has gradually faded since the early 19th century. After that, on 5th, October, 1910, the Portuguese revolution overthrew the Portuguese royal family and then established the unstable democratic regime—the first Republic of Portugal. However, this newly-built regime was also overthrown by the military coup led by conservative officers, and then the new regime was also called the second Republic of Portugal. Also, Portugal has already ended its colony wars in 1974 and then became the country with the freedom and democracy once again.

In addition, Portugal is an advanced and developed capitalist country, which possesses extremely complete tourism, and Portugal is also one of the member countries of European Union.

In conclusion, we really hope that all the important information mentioned above can be useful and helpful to all of you. Thanks!

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