Some Knowledge You Must Know Before You Decide To Travel In Finland

As we all know, Finland is the brief name of the Republic of Finland, and it is located in the northern areas of European continent, and Finland is one of the five largest countries in the North Europe, and Finland is nearby the Sweden and Norway as well as Russia, and the gulf of Finland is in the north of Finland. Besides, the west of Finland is the gulf of Bunia, and the length of sea coastline of Finland is 1,100 kilometers, and the inland water areas possess 10% of total territory of Finland. There are around 1.79 million islands and around 1.88million lakes in Finland, which is the reason why Finland is also called “country with thousands of lakes”. Also, the winter in Finland is very cold and long, and the summer in Finland is not only mild and warm but also very short. Actually, one third of total territory of Finland are within the arctic circle.

Furthermore, Finland is the hometown of Santa Claus, and the earliest residents in Finland were the Lapland, so Finland was also called the Lapland country. Also, after the Finns immigrated, they founded the Kingdom of Finland, however, this kingdom was controlled and governed by Sweden in the second half of the 12th century. After the wars of Russia and Sweden in 1809, the Kingdom of Finland was incorporated into the Russia Empire. After that, the Republic of Finland declared that it was an independent country in December, 1917, and it also became a permanent neutralized state.

Moreover, Finland is an advanced and well developed capitalist country, and it is also an advanced industrial and free market economy, and Finland is also one of the member countries of European Union, and it is also a country whose per capita output is over the average level of these countries in European Union, compared with its neighboring country—Sweden.

In addition, we really hope that all the important information mentioned above can be useful and helpful to all of you.

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