Some Blood Deficiency Symptoms Worthy Of Attention

Blood deficiency is a kind of common manifestation of body weakness and female friends always have this condition as well as some people are anaemic. However, anemia and blood deficiency are not the same concept. So do you exactly know blood deficiency symptoms?Next let me keep you informed of some blood deficiency symptoms as below.

See the eyes. Seeing the eyes is actually to see the color of the white part of the eyes. As the saying goes ‘‘one getting old like the pearl becoming yellow’’, which actually means that the color of the white part of the eyes becomes turbid, yellowing, bloodshot and this means that your qi and blood are not sufficient.

See the skin. If the skin is white touched with pink and has luster, elasticity as well as does not have wrinkles, spots, all of them means that qi and blood are sufficient. Otherwise, all of them means that qi and blood are not very good and not sufficient.

See the hair. If the hair is pitch-black, dense, smooth, all of them means that your qi and blood are enough, whereas, all of them means that qi and blood are not enough.

In addition to the all above points, there are also other blood deficiency symptoms worthy of attention, such as see the ears, touch the temperature of hands, see the finger pulps of fingers and so on. If all of them are with warm and bright color and seem very healthy, this means that qi and blood are adequate in a certain degree. Therefore, please pay more attention to all above points so that all of you can clearly know more about your body condition.

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