Red London Double Decker Bus Is The Symbol of London City

If you want to know what is the city’s symbol of London, there are many answers. Such as big benˎ the London eyeˎ the black cab and so on. But If you want to know the most representative symbol of London, many of the Londoner believe that the red London bus is the best answer. Among these red London buses, the well known one is ‘‘Routemaster’’. Besides, the pictures of these London buses( Routemaster) are also on the name card of London. And It is called the Britain ‘‘National Treasure’’ together with the Buckingham Palace.

When red London bus with the light bus body and revolutionary design fastly replaced these electric buses which were used in many years and came into the society, Londoner loved them very much and gave them a hype surrounding name‘‘ The Routemaster’’, and this also callled ‘‘ The Road hog’’.

According to the statistics, these were 2760 red London buses being used between 1956 and 1968. As for the reason why these London buses are red colors, maybe this is relevant with the weather of London, which is always gray most of the times. So the red color is quite bright. Nowadays, the red color has became the symbol color of London.

After more than 50 years of wind and rain, the red London bus ended its normal bus services on 9th, December, 2005 and only reserved two‘‘ culture heritage’’ routes to prolong the culture memories of Londoner. In 2008, the closing ceremony of Beijing Olympics Games, the red London bus presented as the last character in Bird’s nest so as to show the characteristic charm of London for the whole world.

As we all know that many cities damaged its original features when developing, but the Routemaster can be reserved very well until now, so we have to consider why we can not do as this.

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