Metal Accessories And Plastics Accessories Quality is Important

In addition to pay more attention on wooden furniture’ surface quality and workmanship, please not to ignore the metal accessories or plastics accessories on furniture.

You know, it is common to find some metal accessories and plastics accessories on wooden furniture, both of which are used as the fixed parts or connection parts. Believe it or not, the quality of metal accessories and plastics accessories can directly affect wooden furniture’s working life. If it is right, you’d better to pay attention on this factor.

In general, the metal accessories should be smooth, flexible and have good electrofacing effect on its surface, there should be no rust and burr on it. As for the plastics accessories, their design should be beautiful and its color should be bright. At the point of strength when using, there should be powerful and elastic, not to too thin.

Opening style connection parts should be flexible to turn and inside its structure, there should be mechanical spring equipment which is used to control degree of tightness, only by this way, when opening furniture, it is easy and no grating sound.

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