Men Pay More Attention to Figure When Selecting Short-term Partner

Recently, researchers from University of Texas completed a survey in which 375 men and women were participated. Test participants were asked to select an opposite sex to date, but the face or body of the opposite sex was sheltered by gauze. The research showed that men were more likely to choose the women with good figure to date, however, when choosing women for wife, their faces become more important.

The researchers said that women’s figure and face are the important clues or indicators of fertility. However, the new study revealed that when looking for short-term partner, men tend to pay more attention to women’s figure.

A number of early studies on physical charm emphasized that factors such as shapely figure, beautiful skin and slender waist are important to attract the opposite sex. In the past, few studies had studied the relationship between facial or physical characteristics associated with fertility.

The New research also found that when women choose a partner, whether looking for short-term in bars, dance halls and night clubs or long-term spouse, they all pay more attention to men’s appearance.

The researchers said that women’s face can reflect information on their reproductive value relatively while women’s figure can reflect their present fertility. Study found that reproductive value and fertility can not achieve high peak simultaneously. As usual, the reproductive value reaches the peak at the age of 17 and the fertility reaches the peak at the age of 24.

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