Matters Needing Attention In Buying Toys

Toys can promote child development and increase knowledge of a variety of sensory. Arousing the child’s interest is the most prominent role of toys, every family should make full use of toys to develop children’s intelligence.

Firstly, according to the age of children, buy appropriate toys

Safety instructions for use of toys will be marked about the age range of toys, Not in this age of children is dangerous in the use of the product. According to regulations, each of toys must be considered important warning, suitable places, battery safety instructions, the use of material security, etc. If parents do not understand the performance to give the children toys to play, it might give the child harm. Parents should carefully read all the warnings on toys, instructions and signs to avoid danger.

Secondly, check the appearance and structure of toys

Some toys have sharp edges or sharp corners, cutting-edge to easily stab skin, such as toys screws loose or exposed tip which may cause a child eating.

Parents should pay attention to whether the gap gear toy parts will pinch your fingers whether power-driven mechanism is exposed to harm baby.

Riding Toys need to be tested to ride to determine the stability of its center of gravity.

When buying stuffed toys (such as stuffed toys) , parents should be pulling the eyes, nose and other small accessories (small parts)to check the firmness. Which Avoid small accessories and quilts pulled to cause children suffocation.

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