Light Choice in House Decoration

Usually, people may think lamp bulb is only bulb, lampshade is only lampshade, and we did not clearly realize the influence that the light has on us. However, we should try to adopt light which can bring us different feelings in the different period of a day.

What we need is only a dimmer switch, which is cheap, easy to install, and it can create whatever mood and feeling that we need.

We should be clear about the function of each room in the house, when we choose the light for it. For example, for the kitchen, we should choose the light with the lamps for the process of cooking. In the study room, we need a table lamp to light our table. Only a ceiling light is not enough for the whole house, which will make the house seem to be flat.

Therefore, we should pay attention to the choice of light when we decorate the house. Rooms with different functions need different types of lights.

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