How To Place The Baby Bed Reasonably

Firstly, the distance between the wall and baby bed should be at least 50cm, by this way, if the baby fall off, they should not be got stuck between the bed and wall, which is easy to lead to asphyxia.

Secondly, the baby bed should be placed the location where is far away from lamp-socket, electric fan and heating appliance.

Thirdly, thick carpet should be placed at the floor near baby bed, once the little baby fall down incautiously, they would be protected by such thick carpet.

Fourthly, as parents, you should check the baby bed at fixed periods. For example, you have to check whether the screw or nut on bed are loosen.

Fifth, nowadays when buying baby bed, lots of parents are likely to buy the multifunctional baby bed, however, you should be more careful, because of the more functions, the whole structure of baby bed is complicated. When changing one function to another function, you must install the component with right ways and then check whether it is firm.

Sixth, it is important to form the good habits, whether the baby is on bed or not, the bed handrail should be fixed, by this way, little babies should be fall down easily.

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