How To Make Pea Pastries?

Have you ever heard of pea pastries?Do you want to eat them now?If yes and you want to make them for yourself, please follow me and let me keep you informed of the following methods of making pea pastries as much as i can.

First of all, well prepare pea head 100g, dry glutinous rice flour 100g. Wash pea head till clean and cut it into minced for preparation.

Secondly, heat a pot till hot and pour minced pea head into it as well as stir-fry minced pea head, next add appropriate salt, chicken powder to this pot and evenly stir them together as well as get them out of this pot and pour into a container after that.

Thirdly, pour dry glutinous rice flour into this container and mix them evenly as well as use hands to knead them tightly, meantime, knead them into round balls one by one, next pour sufficient oil into a pot and turn on the medium fire as well as heat it till 5 points hot, then put round balls into it and use hands to knead them into appropriate round pastries as well as change into small fire, slowly fry them together. Till the bottom is ripe, turn them over and continue to fry them together till both sides are ripe. After that, turn off the fire and get them out of this pot as well as pour into a plate, so the whole processes are finished making and you can taste them as happily as you can.

All in all, might as well make them for yourself and your family if your are really interested in after viewing and i believe that all of you will be fond of eating them!

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