How To Make Chicken Barbecue Pizza?

Pizza is originally the western food and chicken barbecue pizza is a kind of combined pizza between Chinese and Western as well as is very delicious, so do you know how to make it? Are you interested in this topic? If yes, please follow me and let me keep you informed of the making methods of chicken barbecue pizza as much as i can.

First of all, well prepare all the making ingredients, such as tomato, carrot, green onion. Cut green onion into minced and put them in a bowl. Meanwhile, cut tomato and carrot into minced respectively and put them in a bowl for preparation.

Secondly, pour appropriate oil into a pot and heat it till hot, then add appropriate salt, pepper to this pot and start to stir-fry them. After finishing stir-frying them, put them in this pot for preparation.

Thirdly, well prepare appropriate common flour and corn flour and add appropriate salt, white sugar, egg liquid, oil and water to this mixed flour as well as use small spoon to evenly mix them, then knead it into a dough and put it in a warm place with enough sunlight for fermentation 1 and 1.5 hours. After good fermentation, use rolling pin to roll it into a thin pastry and roll up the surrounding pastry towards the inside as well as use fork to stab with plenty of holes in the middle part. Next put this kind of pastry into an electricity cake clang, turn on the switch and bake it for 4 minutes as well as averagely put well stir-fried vegetables into this baked pastry, meantime, put shredded chicken and barbecue block into this pastry as well as evenly sprinkle cheese above.

Finally, start to bake it till finishing the whole processes, after that, slightly cool it down and then you can eat it as much as you can.

If you are interested in this kind of chicken barbecue pizza after viewing all above making methods, might as well make it for yourself and your family so that all of you can happily enjoy the eating time.

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