How To Layout Your Toys Store?

As is known to all, toys store layout is closely related to store sales volume, therefore it is important to pay attention on such aspect.

How to layout your toys store? Here are some tips you can follow.

Firstly, pay attention on store entrance. It is not only the case for toys store, all stores no matter which kinds of products you are selling should follow this basic principle because the entrance layout is the first impression given to consumers, if the entrance layout is attractive, consumers would be drawn and are likely to spend a few minutes on visiting your store, for example, in the Spring Festival, you can put spring festival scrolls at the entrance and place some specific toys products for Spring Festival.

Secondly, put products with specific order. Put toys products with the same price at the same goods shelf, and then display products for low price ones to high price. By this way, consumers would be attracted by products’ low price, and then they will see the top quality products at high price. With such products display way, customers’ shopping desire would be aroused.

Thirdly, beautiful picture is better than boring words. If you want to publicize some sales promotion with poster, it is recommended to use picture rather than words.

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