How To Identify And Distinguish The Diamond Wedding Ring

As we all know, diamond is the extremely precious and excellent and advanced decoration, and it is also the necessary and significant jewelry which modern young people will purchase before they get married. However, diamond is not only very expensive but also very rare, and there are also correspondingly some fake diamonds on the wedding ring markets at the modern times now. So how to identify the real or fake diamond wedding rings has already become an extremely significant problem we should settle and solve nowadays. Thus, let’s learn something important about some tips on how to identify and distinguish the diamond wedding ring.

First of all, we should remember to test and examine the hardness of diamond wedding ring we purchase. Besides, diamond on the wedding ring is the hardest material and substance in the world, and we can use diamond ring to slide on other objects. If diamond wedding ring can leave the trace on the objects, it means that this diamond wedding ring is the real one.

Secondly, we should remember to test and examine the lipophilic ability of diamond wedding rins we purchase. Furthermore, diamond usually possesses the strong and powerful lipophilic ability, and when we feel and touch diamond with our hands, we will feel a little sticky, but the fake diamond wedding ring will not make any changes.

Thirdly, we should also remember to use the perspective method to test and examine diamond wedding ring we purchase. Moreover, this is a simple but effective way, and you can put diamond on your hands to see and observe. If we can not see our own hand textures on the diamond, it means that the diamond is the real one. On the contrary, it states that this diamond is the fake one.

In addition, we really hope that these important information mentioned above can help you thoroughly understand and learn more about diamond wedding ring identifying and distinguishing tips and methods.

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