How To Buy A Baby Bottle?

When your baby is born, you certainly need to buy a baby bottle for the baby. However, there are various baby bottles with different functions being sold in the markets, so do you know how to buy it? I guess you are maybe puzzled, do not worry, please follow me and let me inform you of the following methods to buy a baby bottle as much as i can.

First of all, safety and convenience. In the safety aspect, this means whether the manufacturing materials of baby bottle are poisonous or not to avoid damaging the health of baby. In the convenience aspect, there are a lot of things needed to be considered, such as the shape of baby bottle should be suitable for the age of baby, whether baby bottle has handle or not and so on.

Secondly, the materials of baby bottle body. Many choices of the materials of baby bottle body are offered to consumers in the markets whether it is the imported baby bottle or domestic baby bottle, and the most widely used materials of baby bottle body are glass, silica gel, plastics and so on. Faced with so many choices of the materials of baby bottle body, many parents feel very puzzled and do not know how to buy a baby bottle. There is no doubt that this kind of glass material is the healthiest and the safest material and should be the first choice because of quite high stability when compared with silica gel and plastics materials in the continuously disinfectant process, though it is easy to be broken in the process of using.

Thirdly, the materials of nipple. The materials of nipple can be divided into cilica gel nipple with a transparent color and rubber nipple with a yellow color. Besides, cilica gel nipple is also divided into solid cilica gel nipple and liquid cilica gel nipple that is more transparent and softer than solid cilica gel nipple as well as is the most widely used material of nipple at present. Compared with all above two kinds of materials of nipple, cilica gel nipple is closer to the papilla of the mother and neither too hard, nor too soft as well as can promote the salivary secretion of the baby and help the growth of upper jaw and lower jaw, facial muscles.

Fourthly, the caliber of baby bottle. Two kinds of choices of the caliber of baby bottle are mainly offered to the consumers in the markets at present, such as standard caliber and wide caliber. According to the practical experience, baby bottle with the wide caliber is more convenient in our daily life so as to well brew milk powder.

Finally, the hole patterns of nipple. The hole patterns of nipple can be divided into little round hole, middle round hole, big round hole and cross hole. The newborn baby can use little round hole nipple, next middle round hole, big round hole and cross hole after around 3 months with an increase of the age and the strengthening of sucking ability of the baby.

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