How To Breed Tulipa Gesneriana?

Tulipa gesneriana is the national flower of Holland and has multiple kinds of colors as well as can tolerate cold condition and does not like high temperature, so it is suitable to be bred in the autumn and winter. So how to well breed it? Today let me keep you informed of the following methods of breeding tulipa gesneriana as much as i can.

First of all, well prepare some tulipa gesneriana seedballs, a flowerpot, basin, vegetable soil, carbendazim and so on planting tools. When purchasing some tulipa gesneriana seedballs, you should choose them with large body and good quality. Please remember carefully this point.

Secondly, open up the cover of carbendazim and pour half of carbendazim into a basin as well as continuously pour two bottles of purified water into this basin to dilute. After diluting all the water in this basin, this kind of diluted water can also be used to water flower, then remove the peel of some tulipa gesneriana seedballs and put them in this basin to soak them for around one hour as well as pay attention to distinguishing the color of tulipa gesneriana seedballs. After well soaked, take them out of that basin and flat put them in a pan as well as dry them in the air.

Thirdly, pour vegetable soil with the capacity of one third of flowerpot into this flowerpot and averagely pave soil into it as well as insert tulipa gesneriana seedballs into this flowerpot. After finishing this process, pour remained soil into this flowerpot and pave evenly as well as it is better to reach the capacity of two thirds of flowerpot and do not make flowerpot filled with soil.

Finally, water carbendazim that has already soaked tulipa gesneriana seedballs into this flowerpot, then make it bask in the sun and insist on sprinkling proper water to this flowerpot every day and wait for the sprouting of tulipa gesneriana.

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