Follow These Two Ways To Guard Against Damp

If there is always too much moisture at your home, it is not beneficial to furniture maintenance, therefore you have to try some useful ways to guard against damp. Here are two related tips you can take a try.

Ventilate intermittently
During the rain days, please close the door and window towards to the south or southeast and only open the door and windows at downwind. By this way, less moisture will be entered into your room. When the weather turns fine, it is time to open all the doors and windows to accelerate the evaporation of moisture indoor. However, at noon, the moisture in air outside is at the highest value and it is not right to open windows. In the afternoon or at evening, you can open windows to adjust the air.

Make use of lime to get rid of moisture
As is known to all, lime is one of useful adsorbent, about every 1kg unslaked lime can absorb moisture in the air about 0.3 kg. During the moist days, wrap unslaked lime with gunnysack and then place it at all the corner at home, which is useful to keep drying at home, it is simple and cheapest way.

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