Five Indicators on Whether You Are Healthy

As you known, the normal body temperature is between 36 ℃ and 37 ℃. Higher than 37 ℃ may have a fever, lower than 36 ℃ is referred to as low body temperature, which is often happened in elderly, patients with malnutrition, hypothyroidea and shock disease.

Per minute of pulse for adult is 60 to 100 times. If symptoms such as fastly, slow, variable intermittently can be considered as poor heart performance. For the elderly, the heart rate is generally slower up to 55 times per minute.

The breath for healthy people is smooth, regular and about 15 times per minute. If the depth, frequency and rhythm of breathing are abnormal, you should seek fore medical advice. For the elderly, symptoms such as palpitate may happen after taking exercise because of poor cardio-pulmonary function, recover the normal performance after taking a rest should not be considered unhealthy.

Blood pressure
Adult’s blood pressure should be less than 140/80mmHg. The elderly’s blood pressure would rise with the age becoming older. However, if the systolic pressure is over 160mmHg, you should take medicine whether there are some unnormal symptoms.

Long-term stability at weight is an indicator of healthy body. Weight loss in short period may be led by diabetes, hyperthyroidism, cancer, gastrosis, hepatopathy and so on. Weight increased in short period may led by hyperlipaemia, diabetes mellitus and hypothyroidea.

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