Features of Rosewood Furniture And How To Choose Right Ones

As is known to all, the rosewood furniture have the natural deep red color and beautiful patterns, which is the right beauty pursued by too many modern city people. At the same time, they are always durable, therefore when buying furniture for home decoration, lots of people are likely to buy the rosewood furniture.

Let me firstly introduce the history and feature of rosewood furniture. Rosewood furniture began in the Ming Dynasty and the modern rosewood furniture have inherited the traditional feature of the classical furniture and keep the beautiful ancient shape and art style. At the same time, you can find some feature of the western furniture because nowadays they are always manufactured with the advanced science and technology. Under such circumstance, the modern rosewood furniture can not only have the modern rosewood furniture, but also has the characteristics of modern high-tech, which meets the requirement of modern city people.

According to the related regulations formulated by the China State Bureau of Technical Supervision, the category of rosewood contains five attributes and eight classes. The five attributes include the red sandalwood, Dalbergia hupeana Hance, Milletti and Mesua ferrea, all of which are named with the categories of dendrology. Meanwhile, the eight classes include the narra, palisander, sweet branch wood, black rosewood, red rosewood, ebony, macassar ebony and wood wings, all of which are named with the trade name of wood. Except these wood categories, furniture made from other wood can’t be named as the rosewood furniture.

After learning the basic knowledge about rosewood furniture, it is time to know some tips about how to choose the right rosewood furniture in the furniture shopping center.

Firstly, you have to know how to classify the rosewood furniture. Nowadays, all the rosewood furniture being sold in the market can be divided into two categories. The first one is the rosewood furniture that main parts of them are made from rosewood, it means the interior parts or some hidden parts can be made from other top quality wood, the second one is the rosewood furniture which are fully made from rosewood except mirror.

Secondly, you have to pay more attention on the rosewood furniture’s quality, price, service and other aspects after knowing how to classify.

Thirdly, when writing furniture name on the invoice, it is important to note the specific types of the rosewood such as red sandalwood, palisander and other, which is often neglected by consumers. At the same time, it is necessary to mark out whether it is the full rosewood furniture or part rosewood furniture.

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