Category Archives: Knowledge

How To Buy A Baby Bottle?

When your baby is born, you certainly need to buy a baby bottle for the baby. However, there are various baby bottles with different functions being sold in the markets, so do you know how to buy it? I guess … Continue reading

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How To Well Learn Another Kind Of Language?

In addition to the mother tongue, learning another kind of language has become a kind of fashion in the whole world, but it is a very difficult thing to learn another kind of language for many people, so how to … Continue reading

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The Origin Of Feather Fan

The fan is made according to Chinese hieroglyphs, and the most earliest fan is made by using the feathers of animals, and the most prestigious families have this kind of fan. Today let me keep you informed of the origin … Continue reading

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The Structure Of Gondolas Boat

Gondolas is a very special boat of Venice, and it has a kind of light thin and unique shape, and it has a history for more than one thousand years. Besides, it has been in the lake of Venice and … Continue reading

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The Developed History Of London Telephone Booth

Alexander Graham Bell invented telephone, and Sir William Thomson introduced the first telephone to the British association for the advancement of science at the same year, and the Bell telephone company was established in the follwing year, and the British … Continue reading

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The Main Design Features Of Apache Helicopter

As we all know, the full name of Apache helicopter is the Boeing AH-64 Apache helicopter gunship, and it is the military and gunship helicopter of the main force of the army in the United States at present, and it … Continue reading

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