Category Archives: Food

The Advantages Of Eating Blueberry

Blueberry has a good reputation of‘‘super fruit’’ and is becoming more and more popular when being sold in the markets as well as many people are fond of eating it in daily life, so do you exactly know the advantages … Continue reading

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The Selection Methods Of Beef Jerky In Bulk

Maybe many people are fond of eating beef jerky in daily life because of delicious taste and unique mouthfeel. So are you one of them?Do you exactly know how to select beef jerky by yourself?Are you curious about this topic?If … Continue reading

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How To Select Peas?

If you want to make stir-fried peas or diced pork with peas, you had better know how to choose and purchase fresh peas and this step is the first essential step, so do you exactly know how to select peas?Today … Continue reading

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The Making Methods Of Pea Shredded Meat

Do you often eat peas in daily life?What do you think of eating them?Do you want to use them to make a dish for yourself?If yes and you are interested in this aspect, please follow me and let me inform … Continue reading

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How To Make Pea Pastries?

Have you ever heard of pea pastries?Do you want to eat them now?If yes and you want to make them for yourself, please follow me and let me keep you informed of the following methods of making pea pastries as … Continue reading

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How To Select Chestnuts?

Many people are fond of eating chestnuts roasted with sugar because of quite delicious taste, so are you one of them?Do you know how to select chestnuts?If not and you are interested in this aspect, please follow me and let … Continue reading

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The Making Methods Of Skin Of Beancurd Roll With Mashed Potatoes

Do you love to eat skin of beancurb and potatoes in daily life?I guess that both of them are loved by lots of people and do you know how to make them together?If you want to know more about this … Continue reading

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How To Make Egg Crisp Cakes?

Many people are fond of eating egg crisp cakes in daily life because of soft, crisp, delicious and sweet mouthfeel, so what do you think of eating them?Are you interested in making them?If yes, please follow me and let me … Continue reading

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How To Select Coix Seed?

Coix seed is a kind of coarse food grain and has multiple fitness effects as well as is very popular when being sold in the markets, so do you know how to select fresh coix seed?If not, please follow me … Continue reading

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The Making Methods Of Egg Cucumber Rolls

Eggs and cucumbers are very popular in our daily life and most people are fond of eating one of them or both of them, so are you one of them?What do you think of eating them together?Next let me keep … Continue reading

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