Bad Drinking Water Habits

We all need to drink water every day and water is indispensable for our body as well as we also need to pay attention to these details related to drinking water. Today let me inform you of bad drinking water habits as clearly as i can.

Firstly, drinking boiled water is a good habit, but do you know that water can not be drunk immediately once boiling? That’s because our tap water goes through the process of chlorination disinfection, and chlorine combines with residual organic matter in water, which will produce halogenated hydrocarbon, chloroform and so on various kinds of carcinogenic compound. Therefore, we should take the following three steps when boiling water. At first we should place water for a while and boil it after picking up water, and then we should open pot lid up when water is quickly opening, and finally we should wait for three minutes to fire off after water is opening. Only in this way can chlorinity in the water reduce to safe drinking standard, and we can call this is the real ‘‘boiled water’’.

Secondly, these used water dispensers no matter in the homes or the offices or public places are never washed, which will lead to the coming of plenty of bacteria. Thus, we had better clean water dispensers once a month, and we should clean them once every two weeks in summer.

Thirdly, people prefer to drink bottled water, which can be conveniently carried and can be drunk once opening its cover. Besides, the consumption of bottled water is increased at a speed of 30% every year in China nowadays, and these hazardous substances will permeate into water when bottled water is placed in the high temperature environment or is not drunk at once after the opening, which does harm to our health. So bottled water certainly must not be heated or insolated.

In addition to the above points, there are also other bad drinking water bahits worthy of your attention, such as people do not drink water if not thirsty, and people drink water not according to their own habitus as well as drink beverages instead of water.

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