A Brief Introduction of Articulated Bus

Articulated bus is a kind of public transportation, which is a member of public bus family. It is a single-decker bus which consists of a big and long compartments. Articulated bus wins people’s heart with its huge space and high capacity for passengers. Such bus is usually used in BRT. Double articulated bus is derived from articulated bus. It is made of two compartments which can carry 200 passengers at one time all thanks to its 25 meter-long compartments.

Articulated bus appeared in the early 1920s in Europe. With great development in decades, it has been widely used today. In 1960, the first articulated bus was in its service in Budapest, Hungary. In the middle of 1960s, AC transport corporation was the first one who used American articulated bus in California. And right now, articulated bus has spread over Australia and Europe.

Articulated bus enjoys several types, which is powered by electricity and CNG except for diesel oil. Besides, articulated trolleybus is another member of articulated bus family.

Compared with double-decker bus, articulated bus carries much more people and it also saves passengers time to get on and off upper deck. However, articulated bus may have some problems in turning when encountering narrow and busy streets with crowded people. Thus, the area where articulated bus passes may narrow down. Meanwhile, as articulated bus hold such a big body, which always result in blind point. People who are walking or riding may be rub by the big bus.

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