These Cities Worthy Of Your Travel In New Zealand

Before your travel in New Zealand, you need to know these cities in advance so that you can do good preparations and save more time. Today let me keep you informed of these cities worthy of your travel in New Zealand.

The first one is the Auckland, which is located in the north island of New Zealand and is close to the sea as well as is the first largest city of New Zealand. Besides, it is surrounded by the sea and the volcano and has the beautiful harbour and spectacular bridge as well as attracts the sailing enthusiasts around the world. Furthermore, it has the title of ‘‘ The city of sailing’’ and also the center of international culture of New Zealand as well as there are a lot of dishes worthy of your tasting.

The second one is the Wellington, which is located in the south area of north island of New Zealand and is a natural port as well as the capital of New Zealand. Moreover, it is also the second largest city of New Zealand and has the population of around 350 thousand as well as is the politic center and the important commercial center of New Zealand. In addition, it is also the transportation hub from south island to north island and has the deep cultural atmosphere as well as brings together the essence of domestic art, fashion, food and nightlife culture and worthy of your enjoyment.

The third one is the Rotorua, which is located in the middle area of north island of New Zealand and is around 3 hours from Auckland as well as is the famous tourist city of New Zealand and worthy of your traveling.

Except all above, there are also other cities worthy of your travel in New Zealand, such as the Oamaru, Timaru and so on.

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