Some Potential Safety Hazard Hidden In Kids Toys

As for every parent, they always pay more attention on children’s safety and healthy, at the same time, toys such as vehicle toys would be children’s best accompanied goods when they are young, therefore parents always look for kids toy with higher safety factor.

Please be careful that there is no any toys which is absolutely safe, and in fact, almost all the kids toys have potential safety hazard more or less. As usual, there would be safety reminding on toys package, for example, it is common to see these reminding that not suitable for children under three years old, and under adults’ supervision when playing.

When buying toys for children, please be careful for these toys introduced below.

Firstly, it is too much colorful
Because of unique attraction, parents like to buy toys with colorful appearance, however, color fastness of some poor quality toys is not very good because the manufacturers use poor quality pigment in order to reduce cost of production, under such circumstance, it is potential danger for children.

Secondly, there are too many components on toys
As you know, almost every children are likely to put small things into mouths, and it is too much dangerous if there are too many components contained in toys, asphyxia and other terrible condition would be happened if children swallow some small size components.

Thirdly, toys have sharp edges and corners
It is better to buy toys with round edges and corners for children, other wise children’s skin would be damaged.

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