How To Choose Toys According To Children’s Characters

From birth to one year old baby, they learn about the living environment around them by listening, seeing, touching and other sensory perception. Toys are also a key factor for the formation of personality and mental health of children.

For different babies, we should choose toys according to their characteristics. For example, for the active baby, parents should consider selecting the static intelligence toy for them, such as building blocks; for the eccentric character, be scanty of words children, parents can choose the dynamic toys for them, such as voice activated toys etc; for the quick tempered child, parents can choose the making toys for them, such as to provide semi-finished products or carton, magnet, silk, let the child have a keen ability to discern in the process of concentration of operation.

At the same time, parents should observe the following principles in the selection of toys for children.

The first one is diversity. The function of toys is more than one, be flexibility to change, will stimulate children’s potential development.

The second one is safety. Children’s self-control and judgment ability are weak, not easy to distinguish between risk or not, so buy a safety sign toy is very important.

The third one is age-appropriate. With the growth of children, choose the age-appropriate toys (to avoid too difficult or too easy) to arouse children’s interest.

The fourth one is creative. The toys can inspire children’s creativity, such as jigsaw puzzles, building blocks, combination toy.

The fifth one is interest. Toy color, shape, novelty can cause the child’s learning motivation.

The sixth one is education. Children can learn some things from the toy, such as color, digital, range, text etc.

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