Three Ways for Children to Manage Kids Toys

Put their favorite toys at the obvious position
When classifing kids toys, parents should be more careful because they often forget where the toys put away. Under such circumstance, parent should put kids favorite toys such as lovely stuffed animal, bus model and so on at the obvious position so that they can easily get to play. For example, these favorite toys can be put at the drawer near television.

Find the suitable playing location
Do you believe that it is better to put kids toys at several locations. For example, you can put some of toys in the car, and put some of them at the grandparents’ home. Playing with different toys at different location is better, playing with RC bus outdoor and playing with toys with small accessories such as building blocks and puzzles at table and small carpet so that it is easy to find small pieces.

Playing circularly to keep freshness
For children, too many toys for them to play is over stimulation and can’t achieve the desired playing effect. How to solve this problem? You can put some toys away and give them to children again several weeks later. With this way, children can pay their attention on a few toy at a certain time and they have fresh feeling on the old toys.

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