The Best Age Of Teaching Baby To Learn Literacy

As the baby growing up, Mom and Dad begin to worry for the baby’s education, when is the best time to baby learning to read?

The best age of children’s learning literacy is related with development of the child’s perception. Perception is a reflection of the brain to objective things. Shape perception is a reflection of the human brain to the shape or geometry of the object.

From the age of three, children shape perception has developed rapidly. Between three to seven years old, the percentage of correct understanding of graphics gradually increase, and the average time used to complete the task gradually reduce. Four-year-old children are most sensitive to the graphic, so figure text will help children read at this time.

When parents teach children to read, they should pay attention to stimulate children’s interests, make more use of some of the games approach to help the children learning to read in a relaxed and happy environment. In addition, parents do not rush, children’s brain development is still not perfect and children needs repeatedly to learn, parents should patiently accompany their children to study, and do not make him feel the pressure.

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