Three Myths Of The Choice Of Educational Toys

Toys are a best partner of baby, so, it is essential in the intellectual development of the baby stage, but pay attention to the misunderstanding of the selection of educational toys.

Myth 1, the more expensive toys are the better.

The values ​​of children and adults are different, so the skills required are not the same , the most important is the election of toys should be based on the age of the baby and the baby’s needs.

Myth 2, the more toys are the better.

Curiosity is almost all the children’s nature, but parents cannot buy too many toys for children. Too many toys kids will cause that children love the new and loathe the old, so that the child does not know how to cherish and love. A similar toy is enough, which can also encourage children to change toys with other children change, and also helps to develop children’s social skills.

Myth 3, toys must have practical value.

Some mothers think that there is no educational value of some toys, but the mothers do not depart from the child’s interest, it is easy to cause the child’s resentment. In fact, each toy has its own value, and parents should properly guide baby to learn knowledge from toys.

In short, the choice of educational toys is actually a science, and good toys would have more help for baby’s intellectual development.

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