Some Poor Quality Kids Toys Should Be Abandoned

Here is one survey data which will surprise you that when buying kids toys for children, about 69 percent parents don’t pay attention on the toys’ quality, the top quality ones or the poor quality ones. As a result, if poor quality toys are bought for children incautiously, it will be harmful to children’s health. At the same time, according to another market research, nowadays in the toys market, there are lots of poor quality toys and most of them are with colorful outward appearance and low price, which are the baits for parents to buy them for their kids. When being asked about the harm to children, too many parents can not give the right answer, some parents say that they don’t know the terrible consequence resulted by poor quality toys such as some plastic toys. In fact, believe it or not, some plastic toys with pungent smell are made from industrial waste along with some colorful fuel. When testing the content of formaldehyde and lead in these toys, its content exceeds standard seriously, for a long time playing with such toys, children would be suffered from some terrible symptoms such as vomiting, brain swelling, and bad-temper.

In order to buy top quality plastic toys for children, when choosing them, parents should pay more attention on its identification. For example, you have to check whether there is toys manufacturer’s address and date of manufacture on the package, at the same time, if there is not such identification, parents have to smell whether there is pungent taste, and it is wise for you not to choose such toys. When looking at toys identification on the package, you also have to find other information such as suitable age for children and 3C authentication, which is the abbreviation of National Compulsory Certification.

When mentioning the 3C authentication in the article above, I also want to introduce which kinds of toys should have the 3C authentication and this is the useful tips for parents when buying kids toys. As usual, General Administration of Quality Supervision in China have setted the strict regulations on these kids toys including electric toys, stroller, plastic toys, dolls, metal toys and projectile toys. If there is 3C authentication on the package of these toys, the toys manufacturer will be received some corresponding punitive measures.

This is the article about toys safety for you, and in short, it is parents’ responsibility to choose safe toys for kids.

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