Several Methods Of Cleaning Children Toys

Child’s growth is inseparable from toys, toys such as school bus toys are very important for children, because the toy function is not limited in terms of play. So today we take a look at the toy cleaning methods.

Toys cleaning method is as follows:

First, if it is a small toy , you can first wrap the part relatively easy to wear , and then put the toy into the washing machine for cleaning, and then put in the shade to dry ;

Second, if the toy is large, you must find the site of filling and the filling is then taken out, and then clean the outer portion;

Third, after cleaning plush, you comb fur along with the direction of the comb;

Fourth, wooden toys can be cleaned with soapy water, then put in the shade to dry , but it is worth noting that otherwise there may be moldy;

Toys must be cleaned, otherwise the bacteria on the toy invade into the child’s body, it would be very detrimental to children’s health, there may be causing the child to infections.

In choosing toys for the kids, you should choose these toys that are more educational and beneficial to the growth of children, which is very helpful for a child’s IQ.

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