Four Basic Principles For Toys Cleaning

Here are four basic principles about toys cleaning, and if you want to offer safe playing toys for children, it is recommended to follow these principles.

Firstly, after buying kids toys, it is better to clean them before giving to children for playing. During all the steps such as toys production, package, transportation and sales, toys are inevitable to be dirtied with some bacteria and virus, both of which can not seen by naked eyes. It would be more safer to play before cleaning.

Secondly, toys cleaning and disinfecting should be taken about every week, of course, the specific time should be based on toys’ using frequency and toys themselves material. Please not to use the rag which is used for furniture cleaning to clean kids toys because there are lots of bacteria hidden and toys would become more and more dirty.

Thirdly, it is better to choose special disinfectant for little children, otherwise it is easy to result in stimulation on children’s respiratory tract.

Finally, after cleaning, except electric toys, you should use a large amount of water to clean toys so as to remove disinfectant residue, and then place them at the location with good performance of ventilation.

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