One Tips for New Cosplay Photos Photographers

As for some new Cosplay photos photographers, they are not familiar with the specific shooting scene and the final photos result would not be perfect, when taking the photos preview at camera after being taking, they don’d find such problem, however, when all the photos are printed, both Cosplayer and photographers themselves would not be satisfying with their photos works.

No matter the main shooting target is the Cosplayer or the photographic fields, it is not right to emphasize its background excessively or the arrangement of composition of a picture. On the contrary, you should not neglect the core of people, otherwise the whole image between Cosplayers and the photographic fields would not be one whole. Don’t worry, all these problems could be avoided after learning some useful tips about Cosplay photos shooting. Here is one simple tip for you below.

In most cases, the shooting main part would be the Cosplayers, therefore the Cosplayers’ image proportion should not be too much small in the whole picture. If there is no suitable background matched, it is better to be close to main body when taking photos, for example, you can magnify the diaphragm to highlight main body.

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