The Reasons of Lost a Friend

Sometimes we can find that a person that is your good friend but gradually you are not contact with each other, at last you find you have lost her or him. Do you know why you lost a friend unknowingly? As follows I will give you some reasons, maybe you can check it to see whether you do these things or not.

You are always looking down upon him or her or depreciating his or her value intentionally or unintentionally.

What you said is often more than you do. You always promise most things to your friend, but you never do one of them. Gradually, your friend lost faith in you. At time it means you lost your friend already.

Your friend in difficulty as you didn’t see it. When your friend has difficulties doing things, you never give a hand to him or her. Therefore your friend will be very sad. An old Chinese saying: enjoys blissfully together, sticks together through hick and thin.

You often exaggerate the importance of your help to people.

You secretly speak bad words of a friend.

You often take friends’ help for granted.

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