Keep Certain Humidity Indoor to Maintain Floor Board

In the cold winter, the climate becomes more and more dry, and if you are the people who pay more attention on the details in daily life, you would notice that some house furnishings would have some changes at different degrees. For example, it is common to find that the gap between two pieces of floor board become larger, under such circumstance, too many people wonder that whether there is anything wrong.

Too many consumers have the wrong viewpoint that in the cold winter the outdoor air enter into the door and the indoor temperature will be decreased so that the floor board is not easy to crack. In fact, according to the furniture maintenance experts, the reason for floor board cracking is not the temperature but the humidness. When the outdoor dry air enters into indoor, the drying degree will increase and the floor board is easy to be out of shape. In order to avoid such terrible situation, you can use the humidifier and the humidity indoor should be kept at about 50 percent, which can effectively prevent the deformation of floor board.

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