How To Select Peas?

If you want to make stir-fried peas or diced pork with peas, you had better know how to choose and purchase fresh peas and this step is the first essential step, so do you exactly know how to select peas?Today let me inform you of the following methods of selecting peas as much as i can.

Learn to see beanpod. If the color of beanpod is emerald green, this means that these peas are not very old and you can choose and purchase them. If the color of beanpod becomes light, this means that these peas are quite old and you can select them according to your own needs. For example, use hot water to directly boil fresh peas, use old peas to boil porridge, use medium peas to fry in the pot and so on.

Observe the appearance. Generally speaking, if the peas are round, this means that these peas are just ripe, you can directly choose and purchase them for eating. Otherwise, this means that these peas are old and you can use them to fry in the pot.

Hear the sound of beanpod. Might as well use hands to grasp a handful of beanpod, if the sound of beanpod can be heard, this means that these peas are quite fresh and are worthy of your selection, whereas, you can select them according to your own demands.

Besides, there are also other selection methods of peas worthy of attention, such as soak peas in the water and use hands to knead them, shake them packaged with a plastic bag, etc.

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