These Secrets Of Protecting Teeth Worthy Of Attention

Healthy teeth can not only make people smile every day, but also some relevant teeth diseases can be decreased and make people healthier, so do you own healthy teeth?If you want to own and know more about this aspect, please follow me and let me inform you of these secrets of protecting teeth worthy of attention as below.

First of all, chew apples and radishes as often as you can. Crisp foods are just the same as the brush and will be helpful to clear teeth stains. Besides, eat more foods that contain calcium, vitamin D and Omega 3 in daily life so that you can own healthy teeth, such as green vegetables, orange types of fruits, dairy products and so on.

Secondly, use toothpastes that contain baking soda. I suggest brushing teeth at least twice a day and had better brush teeth after eating each meal because this will be helpful to eliminate the foods and bacteria between teeth and gingiva. Furthermore, alkalescent baking soad can effectively neutralize harmful acid and help to clear patches as well as make tooth enamel firm and have the effect of whitening.

Thirdly, quit smoking. Any tobacco products will cause the damage of oral tissue and make teeth colored. Moreover, cigarettes and tobacco can also weaken immunity system and will easily make gingiva infected.

In addition to the all above points, there are also other secrets of protecting teeth worthy of attention, such as drink more milk and water, use dental floss every day and so on.

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