How To Select Coix Seed?

Coix seed is a kind of coarse food grain and has multiple fitness effects as well as is very popular when being sold in the markets, so do you know how to select fresh coix seed?If not, please follow me and let me keep you informed of the following methods of selecting coix seed as much as i can.

First of all, smell the smell of coix seed. This step is very simple and smell whether coix seed is fragrant or not as well as the more fragrant the coix seed is, the more fresh the coix seed is. Besides, some flavor of Chinese medicine can also be smelt at the same time.

Secondly, see the color of coix seed. If coix seed is white or yellow-white, this means that this kind of coix seed is very good. Besides, coix seed you choose and purchase should be lustrous and this means this coix seed is quite worthy of your selection.

Thirdly, see the shape of coix seed. When there are two kinds of coix seeds including fat, big and thin, small in the markets, you should choose thin, small coix seed at this time.

In addition to the all above points, there are also other selection methods of coix seed worthy of attention, such as pinch coix seed and it will be good coxi seed if not falling into a lot of small pieces, eat coix seed and it will be good coix seed if it is sweet and is with light mouthfeel, etc.

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