The Making Methods Of Egg Cucumber Rolls

Eggs and cucumbers are very popular in our daily life and most people are fond of eating one of them or both of them, so are you one of them?What do you think of eating them together?Next let me keep you informed of the following methods of making egg cucumber rolls as below.

First of all, well prepare 2 eggs, 2 cucumbers, a bag of bean paste filling. Break eggs into a bowl and stir evenly till smooth and add a little cold water to a bowl with appropriate starch as well as evenly stir this mixture, later, pour this mixture into a bowl with egg liquid and evenly stir them together.

Secondly, pour a little oil into a pan and heat it till five points hot as well as pour half a portion of egg liquid into it, then rotate this pan so that egg liquid can be paved evenly. Next wash cucumbers till clean and endways disect them into two pieces as well as dig out the middle pulp of cucumbers, then add soft and sweet bean paste filling to them and make them flat.

Thirdly, pave well made egg cake flat and put cucumbers pieces filled with bean paste filling above it as well as tightly roll it up, then use knife to cut it into some inclined sections, therefore the whole processes are finished making and you can eat them as happily as you can.

Are you tempted after viewing all above making methods of egg cucumber rolls?If yes, might as well make them for yourself and your family as fast as you can so that all of you can have a pleasant eating time.

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